Slide Decks
Need a pitch deck to impress investors with? Going to a conference and need slides that will wow the crowd? We can help you organize your slides into a logical, compelling story AND create stunning slides that will make your presentation stand out. Check out our latest slide decks below!

HYERA INC.: Activated Carbons
Hyera had a pitch deck that was very obviously designed by an engineer. Their data was fantastic but without a great design, they lacked credibility. Since the team was on the fence about how they wanted their final deck to look, Sykom gave them two design options, a dark version and a light one. They loved how the white background elevated their color palette, giving them a deck that was visually interesting and credible.
(Note: Some slides removed to maintain confidentiality)

CARBON IMPACT: Carbon Removal Powered by Biogenic CO2
Carbon Impact approached us about giving their deck a facelift. They were also struggling to explain that they were making multiple different modules fit for different carbon sources and that the modules could work in tandem depending on their customer's needs. We came up with the idea of using a jigsaw puzzle to help audiences understand their technology model and created custom illustrations for their slides. We also added in design elements throughout the slides to give it a more professional, on-brand look.
(Note: Some slides removed to maintain confidentiality)
CARBONBRIDGE: Converting Crap Into Cash
CarbonBridge founder, Manu Pillai, spoke at the University of Santa Clara Bronco Ventures Accelerator Demo Day. The crowd was a diverse mix of business school students, entrepreneurs, VCs, and others. We helped Manu create a fun narrative and simple illustrations that would grab the attention of everyone in the audience. Watch a recording of his final 5 minute pitch!